About Begins with a Story ...


A Message from Michele

I believe imagination is an everyday gift and when encouraged becomes invaluable. Many hours are delightedly filled and problems solved as a benefit of creative thinking! For as long as I can remember I’ve had a very active and creative imagination. I consider a great imagination to be invaluable to opening one’s world to new ideas, thoughts, and abilities. I want to encourage everyone to use their creative imaginative abilities in all the ways one chooses.


So, when developing these stories and characters, great thought and care was used to bring them to life and are fostered by my desire to give energy to your creative and imaginative self. The design and creation of these stories, the layout, were designed to also give you input in the story that only began with me and then have further life because of you. 


The illustrations are intentionally line drawings, that are wonderful on their own, or can be colored in by you and space has been included so you can add your own illustrations to my written story. This enables you to have ownership in this story. And to encourage you to use your imagination even more and to further create more adventures, additional Creative Pages are included. You can draw pictures in the open spaces; as well as use the lines to write down the new adventures that continue the tale that has only just begun with this story. 

To give the story’s adventure more reality a plush  toy of the main character with some accompanying accessories has been designed and is available as an optional online purchase. Each are handmade which gives them a personal feel.  


May your world become richer by these stories, all you read, and by all you do. Then be your own story teller through words, writing, and/or drawings. And may your imagination open your world to new information, thoughts, ideas, and abilities. 

Thank you for bringing this story into your world. Most of all … Enjoy! 

Michele Jacobson, Ph.D. earned her doctorate in Development Psychology. Her specializations include creativity, creative problem solving, intuition, leadership development, and values. She lives in Minnesota with her husband, Davd, the illustrator of the stories, and their wonderful fur-baby, Emi.